Road Trip!
My road trip to Big Bone Lick.
All week, William kept telling me that he had a surprise for me. He knows how much I love surprises! They are so exciting!! I just love the big reveal of a surprise… the anticipation, the tail wagging, the happy…. surprises are the best! So I tried REALLY hard all week to be a good dog - I tried not to jump when greeting the UPS delivery guy at the shop, I always (most of the time…. sometimes…) stayed really calm and patient around everyone at Rees Harps, and most of all, I didn’t mark…. much.
Anyway, after sooo many days of anticipation, the day finally came. My SURPRISE!!
William decided to take me on a road trip across the really really really big Ohio River into Kentucky to see meet some friends at Big Bone Lick State Park. Unfortunately, we were a little late to meet the friends, but we saw other animals and had lots of fun. Check out the video we made!