BIG Excitement!!!
I’m second from the bottom :-)
I’m just a mass of wiggles tonight. This is my last night as a zero because tomorrow is the Big Day - I turn ONE!!! It’s hard to believe but just a year ago tomorrow I looked like this… (I’m the cute one in this picture)
I have heard rumors about something happening that is birthday related but no one will give me any clues. It’s SO HARD to wait!!! I will report back next week and let you in on all the details. In the meantime, there is other big news.
We are running a contest - the Rees Harps Picture Perfect Photo (& Video) Contest. Pamela is updating the Rees Harps website and says she needs more pictures. So, everyone with a Rees Concert Line Harp is invited to send in photos and videos. They are giving away a TON of prizes, including a decked out HARP!!! It’s VERY exciting and people are already sending in pictures! You can find out more here.
Pamela has given me a VERY important job…
As Enthusiasm Coordinator, Pamela wants me (ME!!!) to be in charge of making sure all the pictures and videos are FULL of enthusiasm. So I will get to see all the photos and videos submitted!!!! Isn’t that exciting!?!?! And better yet, I get to pick out my favorite picture and give that person a prize!!! I’m not sure what the prize will be yet, but I can promise it will be good. As for criteria to win my prize… well, let’s just say I love seeing my other 4-legged (or more.. or less..) friends. That’s why I LOVE watching the show Dr K Exotic Vet…
I can’t WAIT to see all of your enthusiastic (just like me!) photos and videos!