Music - First Pieces for the Harp

Music - First Pieces for the Harp
First pieces for the harp includes Diana Stork’s charming original compositions and etudes, as well as her arrangements of world music, lullabies, rounds, songs for the winter holidays, and a lovely Renaissance Spring song.
All the pieces in this book are in the key of C and are especially well-suited to being played on the 26-string Harpsicle® Harp. However, the music can be played on any harp that can be tuned to the key of C. For those with harps with less than 26 strings, these pieces can be easily adapted.
This book is not intended to be a “how to play the harp” book. It’s a wonderful collection of fun and easy tunes to accompany one’s harp studies. The pieces are progressive – from very simple, to more challenging; and some basic music elements such as dynamics, fingering, harmonics, etc. are introduced. One of the unique aspects of this book are the fun “Play Along” stories, which clearly can inspire young harpists to expand their repertoires. This collection includes Diana’s favorite pieces of her students over the years – the ones they played and loved the most; and years later are now teaching their own students.
Beautiful artwork by well-known San Francisco Bay Area artist Karma Moffett bring elegance and beauty to the pages, and are lots of fun to color in! This collection is guaranteed to inspire young harpists, and beginning harp students of any age!