Music - Early Pieces for the Harp

Music - Early Pieces for the Harp


"Early Pieces for the Harp" follows my book for beginning harpists, "First Pieces for the Harp". Like my first book, this is a collection of music specifically written and arranged for the harp to accompany your harp studies. The book progresses from easy to more challenging pieces. Though this is not intended as a method book, basic music elements are included along with techniques specifically for the harp. This book includes world music, lullabies, rounds, songs for the winter and holidays, and more. 

Most of the pieces in this book can be played on a 26-string Harpsicle® harp or any harp that can be tuned to the key of C. For those with lever harps or a Sharpsicle™, a few of the pieces introduce playing in different keys and using levers within a piece. However these pieces can be easily altered or transposed for harps tuned to C. Depending on the harp you're using, you may choose to adjust sections, or the whole piece, to play in a different register than the original notation. 

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