Music - California Celtic - From California to the Celtic Lands and Back Again

Music - California Celtic - From California to the Celtic Lands and Back Again
Jigs, Reels, Slip jigs, Hornpipes, Marches, Airs and other tunes in the
traditional Celtic style, with some twists and turns inspired by the land
and people of California in a lovely spiral bound book.
For over half a century, California has been a center of Celtic
harp-playing. In this collection of all-original tunes, California folk
harpist and composer Diana Stork offers a new spin on the old traditions.
Solo arrangements are suited for all styles of harps and for piano. The
melodies can be played by instruments such as fiddle, flute, concertina and
other melody instruments. Duets can be played by 2 harps, or any combination
of instruments.