Music - Easy Traditional Hymns

Music - Easy Traditional Hymns
All of the music in our Harpsicle® Harp Music Sets are in the key of C or A minor. The sets of music vary in difficulty from very easy to not-quite-as-easy and all of it is intended for beginners. Experienced players will find many of these arrangements useful for therapy work and informal settings. All Harpsicle® Harps Music Sets come with the holes punched for a three ring binder so you can easily personalize your Harpsicle® Harps music collection.
Songs in this set include:
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
God Will Take Care of You
God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Sweet By and By
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Come Thou Almighty King
My Savior's Love
Near the Cross
How Firm a Foundation
Where He Leads Me
Whiter Than Snow