New Toys!!
A LOT has been happening here at Rees Harps the last few months. I feel like every month they get a new toy to help make the harps!!
For starters, we welcomed the new year with a brand new industrial laser. Garen and Melissa are both really, really excited about it and did a lot of silly things while the laser was being unpacked because they just could not control their excitement! I know the feeling. Sometimes I get so excited I think my tail is just going to fly right off! You’ve probably had that happen, right?
William tells me the laser will help us by doing some of the basic things for cutting out harp parts, making the process of building the harps much faster so people will be able to get their harps more quickly. I think fast is always better than slow, except when we are talking about tummy rubs, those can last a looong time and I’d be happy. Anyway, William says the parts will be more accurate and our people can spend more time on the parts of harp building people do best. This got me thinking about what I do best in the shop each day and I have decided it’s probably greeting the UPS guy. He always rushes in and I’m there to make sure he is smiling and enthusiastic when he leaves. This was really hard in December when it was cold and he had so many deliveries to make, but he is better now. I’m hoping I helped to cheer him up.
Bai Yun-icorn
The best part about this whole laser thing is that if everything goes as planned, Garen thinks we might be able to start offering optional ornamentation on all the harps in our Harpsicle® Harps line!! I can picture mine already - a pink Fullsicle® Harp with an ornamentation of Bai Yun-icorn (my new toy!!! see below…) It makes Garen and Melissa and everyone at Rees smile a LOT when they talk about this possibility. Of course, when they are happy, I am happy.
Now back to the best NEW TOY here. Pamela got me a new toy when she was in California at the NAMM Show! It’s a Pega-Panda-Corn named Bai Yun-icorn. I LOVE her <3
There are more new things here, but that will have to wait for another post.